And lucky No. 13!

  • Choice Through Education - Keddy

And 13 is this young lady’s lucky number!

Thanks to your amazing support and generosity we have found sponsors for 13 rescued children in just 14 Days!

This is child 13, Keddy who is from Mpopongi and is 15 years old and was rescued last weekend.

Her father wants her married off so her mother has surrendered her to Lucy our coordinator in that area who then traveled with her to safety at the girl’s camp that is run for those who cannot go home in the holidays or have no home to go to.

As you can see she is very happy to have been told she has a sponsor which means she will not have to return to the village and will in a couple of weeks be able to move to Merrow School to continue her childhood and be educated.

Her sponsors a wonderful couple. By coincidence the husband of which I met on a trip to Africa (Namibia) probably 21 years ago now. You are so generous, thank you both.

As you can see from the photo Keddy was so happy to be told of your support and to receive her new school uniform that you have funded.

I think at that point it sank in that this is really helpful, she is safe and will be allowed to have an education.


