Timayo can now stay at school

  • Choice Through Education - Timayo

I am sitting at Nairobi airport after an exhausting but very successful 5 days.

And speaking of 5’s and then there were 5!!!

A wonderful long term supporter of the work to improve the lives of children and women in the Mara is now sponsoring Timayo who is in grade 7.

She is the second girl from the right who was one of those who rushed forward to welcome Naiyanoi who we rescued and took to safety on Sunday.

They are from the same village and stood there in a tight embrace crying tears of relief for ages.

Unfortunately Timayo’s sponsor was unable to continue to support her. There is nowhere else safe for her to go and now thanks to you (and you know who you are) who has already done so much over so many years she can stay.

Thank you!


